Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Event: Graduation's Day
Place: Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia (FEUI)
Time: February 2002
Degree: Bachelor of Economics

I've got my pictures of my graduation's ceremony from Patris, and I've just met Michele (Lele) my junior from the Class of 98 who had her graduation's ceremony in the same day with mine. Hhhmm, it just reminds me of that day. So, let's sailed through time.

Around four years ago, after six years of "excellence", I finally graduated from FEUI, well I graduated 6 months before that, but, Graduation's Day only held twice every year. So, these are three pictures from my graduation day. It wasn't so special day, even after six years of waiting. It was a rainy day, I was soaked wet. My wife to be, at that time, was studying in Leiden, Netherland. My only comfort were my family, and of course my friends (the last of our kind).

*These three people (Paksi, Renata and Dewa, *excluding Patris) were about all the Class of 95 that had Graduation's Day in February 2002. The others were Detta, Atri (well she decided not to come though), Mustang, hhmm I forget the others. I was all wet.

*They look goods in that graduation's gown, especially with Becak as their background. Anyhoo, not long after that day, they wore another graduation's gown for their master degree, or at least they earned their master degree. Renata now is a PhD candidate.

*Hey Patris, our graduation's ceremony was in the same day, cool huh, if Atri attended this Graduation's Day, then I would have the few among the closest.

Long hair in graduation's day, that is something that you don't see in every graduation's ceremony.

Around four years later, I have a wife, experienced through two jobs (one year at Data and Information Centre FEUI, and around one year at Demographic Institute FEUI), become a lecturer from an assistant lecturer, earned my master degree and now I'm in the third semester of my PhD program. Talking about fast pace.

"It's not the pace that worry me, but it's the sudden end on the next turn."


Anonymous said...

we were like ancient creatures from lost world that day. sisa dunia, sekarang jadi sisa neraka.
kapan surganya ya?

cattra said...

Hahaha, yang penting kita jadi jagoan saat itu, sapa yang nggak takut sama sisa dunia dan sisa neraka, namanya tuh kalo digabung neraka dunia. Pokoknya ada yang lirik2 pelototin terus ngomong, "Apa loe liat-liat?!"

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm .... niatnya sih datang ke wisudamu .... Kayak dulu waktu aku wisuda, ada yang abis sakit kuning tetep dateng .... Maen di orkes Mahawaditra ....

Apa daya ditungguin kagak lulus2 seh ....Tinggalin aja dulu ke Belanda ... lulus dah akhirnya ....

At least jadi alibi ama calon mertua .... "Tante, dia nggak lulus bukan karena nganter2 ato nungguin saya pulang kerja loh .... Emang anaknya cinta banget ama FEUI ... Jadi mo lulus aja kayaknya gimana gitu .... Kalo nggak mentok 6 tahun ... kayaknya nggak optimal ....."