Okey, Friday, 15th September 2006 was the first official party at our place, it was a birthday party. I just knew Sandy less than a month (she's Driya's friend), and she already has the audacity to use our place for her 23rd party. That is what I called cool, she rocks...
Thank you for bringing your party to our place,along people, food and drinks (alcohol included). Happy 23rd birthday, have a wonderful life ahead.
Also, thank you for Airin and Erick, who came for the party and stay at our places.

*The Invitation: That is our address

Birthday's Girl (Red)

The Party Continued... at Soma; The MBAs and myroomates (drama, drama, drama, hahahaha)

Birthday's Girl, The Day After (still in red and cry, I think, hehehehe)

*City's Folks in Our Village

*The Guests at Our Place

*One of The Tourist' Spot: The Almamater
sorry buat drama yang menimpa diriku sehingga merepotkan dirimu.. maaf and thank you for taking care of me.. sorry yah paks.. takkan terjadi dua kali kok.. huahahahahahahahahahaha
terjadi dua kali juga nggak papa tapi kalo bisa, bilang2 dulu, eh mana mungkin yah kalo udah kayak gituh kondisinya, hahahahaha... Sante aja, terjadi pada banyak orang, loe nggak unik kok untuk hal ini...
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