Sunday, May 07, 2006


Sometime I write something and hang in the middle of the story. Usually I just delay the writing, and I promised to myself to continue the writing. But after sometime, I'm not just in the mood to finish it, I even forget what I want to write (aahh, fuck it). Well, I don't want to delete it, but I don't want to see it laying at my posts, not published. Now I will post the example of this situation, maybe I will finish it later or maybe someone will have their own story to continue about this subject. For now, I don't really care.


*It is the end of the world (semester) as we know it.

Actually this essay was inspired by the people who are approaching the end of the semester, especially the one who will graduated next week. They are expecting changes, because they will left their comfort zone. Personaly, I don't believe, or at least I don't understand, about this comfort zone things, but I will follow this logic to analyze the changes that people are expecting. I will used first person experiences in this essay.

I nearly reach my 30 and married, and now still studying to pursue my PhD. Before I enrolled to the PhD program, I had passed my master program, my undergraduate program, and all previous schools before that. In between, I also worked as an assistant lecturer, a lecturer, and a researcher. If we use comfort zones thing, I've moved from comfort zone to another comfort zone quite often. Furthermore, with this logic, I predict I will have more comfort zones in the future, because I think comfort zone of a person is a function of time: the longer I lived, the more comfort zones I will have. If something is a function of time, then you will have little control over that. If I don't have control over something, then it will be futile to analyze that thing.

Now, I will talked about me. If I stroll through my city, Jakarta, I can see my elementary school, and my high school. The building hasn't changed much, many of the teacher already retired, some are still surviving, but again not many has changed during these last years (except the tuition fee, hahahaha). Although, I think I can't see any changes, because I don't really cared about happen in those school. Well, I passed it. Of course, we meet regularly with our friends, sometimes we meet with our teachers, but those are all we cared about.

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