Lirik Lagu: Kau yang Terindah
Sekali lagi istri gue menanyakan gimana blog gue yang tidak ada perkembangan, yah mungkin seiring dengan hidup gue yang tidak ada perkembangan banyak, uuhhhh... Hhhmmm, mungkin juga pengaruh temen2 disekeliling gue di UIUC yang perkembangannya lagi banyak, huahahahahahha, (eh paksi ketawanya jangan lebar2, kenapa senyum2, apa seh, kenapa sih ketawa2, coba dijelaskan, fiuuhhh, bisa dimarahin gue sama cewe2 lulusan sekolah istri gue kalo dilanjutin, hehehhehehe, jadi nanti ajah yah dilanjutinnya, hahahaha)
Anyhoo, ngobrol sama istri (terima kasih untuk skype yang telah setia membantu acara sambung rasa gue ama istri sejak gue ngambil master di korea dulu), akhirnya nyanyi2 bareng. Eh ralat, kata istri gue, gue nyanyi2, dia terpaksa mendengar, kasihan deh istri gue. Akhirnya kita teringat lagu dari Java Jive yang gue pasang disini, gile, lagu lama nih, huheheheheheheh).
Selain itu gue juga baru tahu dari istri gue, bahwa lagu2 Indonesia sudah ada di itunes, hehheeheheh, mau beli albumnya Levi Gunardi (The Dancer is superb, and I always like rag time), terus beli the Best of Java Jive kali yah(eh apa beli tiga lagu ajah yah yang beken, enak juga bisa beli tiga lagu doang hueheheheh). Albumnya Gigi yang lama2 duong, ngidam nih, hehehehhehe.
Go Itunes, Maju terus Musikus/Musisi Indonesia
Kau yang Terindah by Java Jive
Kau yang di sana, terpisah jarak waktu
Aku di sini merindukan bayangmu
Mungkin kita harus bisa menahan gejolak
Tapi kita manusia yang punya hasrat jiwa
Reff :
Setiap saat, setiap waktu
Kuingat dirimu
Setiap saat, setiap waktu
Kuingin berjumpa
Kau yang terindah hadir dalam mimpiku
Kini bertemu dalam jalinan kisah
Mungkin kita bukan cinta, aku tak perduli
Tapi kita manusia yang punya hasrat jiwa
Back to Reff :
Kuingin bercinta
Walau kupendam gejolak namun asmara tetap ada
Tak bisa kutolak kar'na kau yang terindah
Yang mungkin memuaskan segalanya
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Jumat Agung/Good Friday
Jumat Agung adalah salah satu hari perayaan umat Kristen. Hari tersebut dirayakan untuk memperingati hari Kematian Yesus. Untuk hari perayaan ini gue biasanya malas untuk dateng ke gereja, karena salah satu kegiatan di gereja untuk perayaan ini adalah Perjamuan Kudus, dimana di Indonesia yang bisa berpartisipasi dalam Perjamuan Kudus ini adalah orang sudah disidi/dikukuhkan. Sampai saat ini gue belum melakukan pengukuhan tersebut, sehingga gue tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. Kalo bisa nggak dateng, gue nggak bakal dateng. Cuman kalo keluarga dateng semua, yah gue juga ikut kali yah. Apalagi saat ini adek gue udah disidi semua (biasanya sidi dilakukan di umur 17 tahun), sehingga gue satu-satunya yang belum sidi, biasanya gue manyun dan meneruskan tidur gue.
Nah di luar negeri tempat gue sekolah, syarat itu udah nggak ada lagi. Di Gereja Baptis Korea di Suwon, syaratnya udah di baptis dan/atau percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Sehingga gue perjamuan kudus di Korea. Di Gereja Presbitarian USA, persyaratannya tidak terlalu berbeda, sehingga gue juga ikut. Pokoknya syaratnya nggak banyak deh kayak Indonesia, semoga nanti pas pulang, syarat sidi udah nggak ada, huehehhehe.
Jumat Agung ini, ternyata nggak libur di Amerika, negara nggak beragama emang mereka. Tapi untuk Jumat Agung ini gue meliburkan diri dari kerjaan, jadi yang gue lakukan adalah mengambil SIM (seperti yang sudah diceritakan sebelumnya). Seetelah itu nganterin temen ngambil sesuatu. Semua ini dari pagi sampe siang. Hmm, karena hari ini biasanya pada puasa, jadi ada yang puasa dengan hanya makan sekali, karena gue berencana makan siang, maka gue tanyain mau makan siang bareng, atau makan malam? Lalu dijawab (kira-kira), "yah pokoknya gue makan kalo gue laper, kapanpun gue laper gue makan!" Heh! nggak ada jawaban lain apa? Akhir yang tersisa makan siang di tempat makan Cina deket rumah, saya lupa namanya, apa yah nanti liat deh.
Sebelum berangkat ke gereja saya melihat kembali jadwal ibadah di internet, agar tidak salah lagi, karena saya suka salah jadwal. Berhubung gereja saya kecil jadi saya tidak bisa salah jadwal, karena kebaktiannya cuman sekali. Ternyata setelah saya perhatikan, kebaktian hari Jumat Agung disatukan dengan beberapa gereja Presbitarian lainnya. Lansung saya panik dan mencari dimana gerejanya, untung belum jalan, walaupun ternyata gerejanya tidak dekat untuk dijangkau dengan jalan kaki, seperti yang biasa saya lakukan setiap ke gereja biasa saya. Lalu saya diantar Ardi ke gereja.
Yang saya masih kaget adalah buah tangan yang diberikan pada Jumat Agung di gereja. Setelah seminggu sebelumnya saya mendapatkan daun palem dari gereja yang saya taruh di dashboard mobil. Pada saat ini saya mendapatkan paku, paku saudara-saudara, sepanjang sekitar 10 cm, dari besi yang berwarna hitam mengkilat, dan paku tersebut ditisikan ke kertas merah tebal. Sehingga ketika saya pertama kali melihat, oh dapet lilin (walaupun bingung kok dapet lilin di Jumat Agung). Setelah saya pegang dan saya masukan kantung, aduh, kok agak keras dan ada tajam2nya, sekali lagi, ternyata paku saudara2. Selama saya gereja belum pernah dikasih paku tembok nih, tahun depan dikasih kayu buat salib kali yah. Ibadahnya berlangsung syahdu, karena harus tenang, bahkan keluar gerejanya disuruh diem, untuk pake sendal jadi nggak usah mindik2.
Setelah itu gue jalan-jalan di downtown champaign, Cuacanya lagi enak. Orang duduk di luar kafe dan restoran, mereka ngobrol, ketawa2, minum2 sambil ngerokok. Wah mau banget deh gue. Pokoknya mereka menikmati banget deh. Abis itu gue nunggu Ardi dan Lia untuk jemput terus kita mau jalan-jalan, maunya nongkrong, tapi anak muda jaman sekarang banyak pertimbangannya luar biasa, mestinya bukan yang tua yah yang banyak pertimbangannya, hueheheh. Fiuh untung gue sekolah di Indonesia jadi mikirnya nggak sekeras jebolan Amerika mikirnya. Yah gue juga males mikir sih, tapi mungkin juga karena mereka pinter sekali, kalo orang pinter pasti mikirnya pasti banyak. Akhirnya kita jalan-jalan liat2 toko2 vintage, kueereeeennnn banget bow, barengnya aneh2 dan lucu2, dan murah2 lagi pookoknya seru deh (ampir beli kacamata hitem ama hem). Abis itu kita ke toko buku yang jual buku2 bekas, keren banget tempatnya, kayak rumah, terus ada loteng, terus ada loteng lagi isinya buku-buku semua, tiap ruang di loteng ada jenis bukunya masing2. Abis itu mikir2 lagi, cuaca udah mulai gelap dan banyak angin, dan masih sulit memutuskan makan dimana. Kayaknya banyak masalah nih temen2 gue, huehehehehhe. Setelah rapat majelis, pokoknya serius deh, kita memutuskan untuk makan makanan Meksiko. Yah okehlah makanannya.
Abis itu balik ke rumah, karena berencana nonton Thank You for Smoking, maka kita harus nungguin orang sampe beberapa saat sebelum film dimulai, baru boleh dijemput, mau nyelesein kerjanya mestinya, bener2 canggih temen gue dah, value for money/time banget dah. Abis itu kita nonton dah filmnya. Btw, Thank You for Smoking itu seru dan lucu banget deh: recommended. Abis itu salah satu temen kita laper(ckckckckc), wah berasa kayak jaan di Jakarta deh, makan sambil nongkrong malem2. Gue aja mesen milkshake gede lagi, mana gue abisin lagi milkshakenya, hueheheh. Akhirnya Gue, Ange, Ardi dan Lia pulang ke tempat masing2.
Hehehehe, gue telah mendapatkan buat diri gue liburan Jumat Agung di Amerika, sibuk banget hidup gue hari itu dangan jalan2, dimana ke gereja tetep dilakukan, mana bisa dapet SIM lagi, huehehehhehe.
Gue mau mengutip sesuatu untuk hari Jumat Agung ini, yang menurut gue okeh banget. Dari status YM temen gue Patris, yang kira-kira begini bunyinya.
Terima kasih Tuhan.
Jumat Agung adalah salah satu hari perayaan umat Kristen. Hari tersebut dirayakan untuk memperingati hari Kematian Yesus. Untuk hari perayaan ini gue biasanya malas untuk dateng ke gereja, karena salah satu kegiatan di gereja untuk perayaan ini adalah Perjamuan Kudus, dimana di Indonesia yang bisa berpartisipasi dalam Perjamuan Kudus ini adalah orang sudah disidi/dikukuhkan. Sampai saat ini gue belum melakukan pengukuhan tersebut, sehingga gue tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. Kalo bisa nggak dateng, gue nggak bakal dateng. Cuman kalo keluarga dateng semua, yah gue juga ikut kali yah. Apalagi saat ini adek gue udah disidi semua (biasanya sidi dilakukan di umur 17 tahun), sehingga gue satu-satunya yang belum sidi, biasanya gue manyun dan meneruskan tidur gue.
Nah di luar negeri tempat gue sekolah, syarat itu udah nggak ada lagi. Di Gereja Baptis Korea di Suwon, syaratnya udah di baptis dan/atau percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Sehingga gue perjamuan kudus di Korea. Di Gereja Presbitarian USA, persyaratannya tidak terlalu berbeda, sehingga gue juga ikut. Pokoknya syaratnya nggak banyak deh kayak Indonesia, semoga nanti pas pulang, syarat sidi udah nggak ada, huehehhehe.
Jumat Agung ini, ternyata nggak libur di Amerika, negara nggak beragama emang mereka. Tapi untuk Jumat Agung ini gue meliburkan diri dari kerjaan, jadi yang gue lakukan adalah mengambil SIM (seperti yang sudah diceritakan sebelumnya). Seetelah itu nganterin temen ngambil sesuatu. Semua ini dari pagi sampe siang. Hmm, karena hari ini biasanya pada puasa, jadi ada yang puasa dengan hanya makan sekali, karena gue berencana makan siang, maka gue tanyain mau makan siang bareng, atau makan malam? Lalu dijawab (kira-kira), "yah pokoknya gue makan kalo gue laper, kapanpun gue laper gue makan!" Heh! nggak ada jawaban lain apa? Akhir yang tersisa makan siang di tempat makan Cina deket rumah, saya lupa namanya, apa yah nanti liat deh.
Sebelum berangkat ke gereja saya melihat kembali jadwal ibadah di internet, agar tidak salah lagi, karena saya suka salah jadwal. Berhubung gereja saya kecil jadi saya tidak bisa salah jadwal, karena kebaktiannya cuman sekali. Ternyata setelah saya perhatikan, kebaktian hari Jumat Agung disatukan dengan beberapa gereja Presbitarian lainnya. Lansung saya panik dan mencari dimana gerejanya, untung belum jalan, walaupun ternyata gerejanya tidak dekat untuk dijangkau dengan jalan kaki, seperti yang biasa saya lakukan setiap ke gereja biasa saya. Lalu saya diantar Ardi ke gereja.
Yang saya masih kaget adalah buah tangan yang diberikan pada Jumat Agung di gereja. Setelah seminggu sebelumnya saya mendapatkan daun palem dari gereja yang saya taruh di dashboard mobil. Pada saat ini saya mendapatkan paku, paku saudara-saudara, sepanjang sekitar 10 cm, dari besi yang berwarna hitam mengkilat, dan paku tersebut ditisikan ke kertas merah tebal. Sehingga ketika saya pertama kali melihat, oh dapet lilin (walaupun bingung kok dapet lilin di Jumat Agung). Setelah saya pegang dan saya masukan kantung, aduh, kok agak keras dan ada tajam2nya, sekali lagi, ternyata paku saudara2. Selama saya gereja belum pernah dikasih paku tembok nih, tahun depan dikasih kayu buat salib kali yah. Ibadahnya berlangsung syahdu, karena harus tenang, bahkan keluar gerejanya disuruh diem, untuk pake sendal jadi nggak usah mindik2.
Setelah itu gue jalan-jalan di downtown champaign, Cuacanya lagi enak. Orang duduk di luar kafe dan restoran, mereka ngobrol, ketawa2, minum2 sambil ngerokok. Wah mau banget deh gue. Pokoknya mereka menikmati banget deh. Abis itu gue nunggu Ardi dan Lia untuk jemput terus kita mau jalan-jalan, maunya nongkrong, tapi anak muda jaman sekarang banyak pertimbangannya luar biasa, mestinya bukan yang tua yah yang banyak pertimbangannya, hueheheh. Fiuh untung gue sekolah di Indonesia jadi mikirnya nggak sekeras jebolan Amerika mikirnya. Yah gue juga males mikir sih, tapi mungkin juga karena mereka pinter sekali, kalo orang pinter pasti mikirnya pasti banyak. Akhirnya kita jalan-jalan liat2 toko2 vintage, kueereeeennnn banget bow, barengnya aneh2 dan lucu2, dan murah2 lagi pookoknya seru deh (ampir beli kacamata hitem ama hem). Abis itu kita ke toko buku yang jual buku2 bekas, keren banget tempatnya, kayak rumah, terus ada loteng, terus ada loteng lagi isinya buku-buku semua, tiap ruang di loteng ada jenis bukunya masing2. Abis itu mikir2 lagi, cuaca udah mulai gelap dan banyak angin, dan masih sulit memutuskan makan dimana. Kayaknya banyak masalah nih temen2 gue, huehehehehhe. Setelah rapat majelis, pokoknya serius deh, kita memutuskan untuk makan makanan Meksiko. Yah okehlah makanannya.
Abis itu balik ke rumah, karena berencana nonton Thank You for Smoking, maka kita harus nungguin orang sampe beberapa saat sebelum film dimulai, baru boleh dijemput, mau nyelesein kerjanya mestinya, bener2 canggih temen gue dah, value for money/time banget dah. Abis itu kita nonton dah filmnya. Btw, Thank You for Smoking itu seru dan lucu banget deh: recommended. Abis itu salah satu temen kita laper(ckckckckc), wah berasa kayak jaan di Jakarta deh, makan sambil nongkrong malem2. Gue aja mesen milkshake gede lagi, mana gue abisin lagi milkshakenya, hueheheh. Akhirnya Gue, Ange, Ardi dan Lia pulang ke tempat masing2.
Hehehehe, gue telah mendapatkan buat diri gue liburan Jumat Agung di Amerika, sibuk banget hidup gue hari itu dangan jalan2, dimana ke gereja tetep dilakukan, mana bisa dapet SIM lagi, huehehehhehe.
Gue mau mengutip sesuatu untuk hari Jumat Agung ini, yang menurut gue okeh banget. Dari status YM temen gue Patris, yang kira-kira begini bunyinya.
"Hari ini Yesus mati, tapi jangan dilayat, dua hari lagi Dia juga bangkit kok"
Terima kasih Tuhan.
Finally: Driving License
Okay, my wife already protested to me about my inactivity in my blogspot. Of course, that protest become an order for me to write in my blogspot.
Let's see, let's see... hhmm...
I have Easter, Good Friday, my works, my courses, my friends, my apartment, hmmm, oh yeah my driving license. Yeah, driving license it is.
Let's see, I've been wanting to get my driving license since my first month in USA, because that is one of the ID that accepted in USA, and it permit me to drive (I enjoy good driving). I only put my hope in Yudis, who promised me to guide me through to that process.
At first, he told me to get used to USA driving rules and conditions. For your information, USA drive in the wrong side of the street. After awhile, it turned out that we were busy. Well actually , he was more busy than me, heheheh. Because, I didn't practice often, and I didn't put a lot of time in to it, I just forget about the driving license.
Summer Break, I went back to my country.
Second semester had the same result. Of course, I was more relax because we have two legal driver, Yudi and Ardi. With their passion to drive, why I had to bother them by becoming another legal driver. Therefore, I had a good excuses not to drive. Although occasionally they let/forced me to drive, but I never forced them to take me to the driving test place.
Winter Break, we went to Atlanta and Florida. It was a road trip, and I have to drive, because there were only two of us (Yudi and I). To all of the people without driving license in the world, no driving license needed, if you don't break any law, or at least, if you don't get caught by the police.
Finally in the third semester, I urged Yudis to take me to driving license test, because he would return soon. I didn't know why we had a hard time to go to the Driving Test place, but we usually failed to kept our appointments. Finally, On Saturday we went to the driving license test, and have our (I and Ange) written test, but we couldn't take our road test, because it was already late. Again, we prolonged our appointments to take the road test, until Yudis left USA for Indonesia.
This situation was annoying for Ardi, because he was the only legal driver in our group. Of course, we (I and Ange) always abused this situation for our benefit, hahahahahha (except for several events like Indianapolis, damn).
Finally, with Ardi as our chaperone, we went for road test on Friday, 14th April 2006. It was a very clear morning, but when we were near to our schedule for the road test, the weather was cloudy and raining. Ange went before me, and she passed.
Well, I always feel anxiety whenever I took tests, all tests: this test was no exception. I have taken a lot of tests in my life, which were resulted in failures and successes. Therefore, I am expecting this feeling. When I'm expecting something, there is not much thrill in it. I suppose that is not a very good one, because I loose the excitement, but still I just can't help it. For this road test, I, of course, am feeling weary; well if I fail, I just have to try again until I succeed. This test was not a life-death decision. So, I read my favorite philosical book (Richard Rorty is my philosophical guru), chat with Ardi (He brought a novel with a Davinci Code-like theme), and tried to calm Ange (I envy her for all the anxiety , the excitement that she get when she took the road test. She couldn't even read the book that she brought to the road test, hahahhaha).
The woman, who tested me, was also testing Ange before. Well, the test was not that hard, you just have to be careful. I have to test all the function in my car. Then, I backed up from the parking lot, then started the road test. She told me to be careful (I think I didn't drive carefully at my first stop light). We're just driving, I didn't know where was the area, because I'm not familiar with the area. To cut a long story, it went smooth, except for one incident. I turned left at the red light, and I enter a one way street. So, according to the rules I have to take the left lane (It is a two lane street). After a while driving in the left, and I was thinking about something that I forget (maybe I look at the beautiful sky after the rain, or ngelamun**), I saw a car in front of me. The first thing that I said to myself, "ngentotbabianjingbangsatsialan*, I failed the test, because I'm driving in the left like what every decent country would do, except for some countries like USA, and there is a car in front of me." The road must turned to two way street sometime ago, or I misread the signed before I turned left. Suddenly the lady who tested me screamed, "What is the car doing in that side? She is crazy." The car in front of me drove by a woman. I was startled and I realized that I was not the one who was wrong, but the other car was. Again I said to my self, "ngentotbabianjingbangsatsialan*, why there was a person who was so stupid at my driving test day?" While my driving test went relatively smooth until I parked my car, during the time the lady who tested me keep talking about other cars mistakes, not only the car that drive in the wrong way, but also several cars after that. At the end she said that I passed, and I have to becareful when I drive. Yeahhh...
Maybe later I will put the picture of my driving license.
Thank You Ardi and Ange for the companion.
*the most common curse words in Indonesian language that I used for everyday life
**a state where I'm thinking, or not thinking, and I loose the senses to the surrounding. It is like I leave my physical body and wandering around without any consciousness of the environment in the surrounding of my physical body
Okay, my wife already protested to me about my inactivity in my blogspot. Of course, that protest become an order for me to write in my blogspot.
Let's see, let's see... hhmm...
I have Easter, Good Friday, my works, my courses, my friends, my apartment, hmmm, oh yeah my driving license. Yeah, driving license it is.
Let's see, I've been wanting to get my driving license since my first month in USA, because that is one of the ID that accepted in USA, and it permit me to drive (I enjoy good driving). I only put my hope in Yudis, who promised me to guide me through to that process.
At first, he told me to get used to USA driving rules and conditions. For your information, USA drive in the wrong side of the street. After awhile, it turned out that we were busy. Well actually , he was more busy than me, heheheh. Because, I didn't practice often, and I didn't put a lot of time in to it, I just forget about the driving license.
Summer Break, I went back to my country.
Second semester had the same result. Of course, I was more relax because we have two legal driver, Yudi and Ardi. With their passion to drive, why I had to bother them by becoming another legal driver. Therefore, I had a good excuses not to drive. Although occasionally they let/forced me to drive, but I never forced them to take me to the driving test place.
Winter Break, we went to Atlanta and Florida. It was a road trip, and I have to drive, because there were only two of us (Yudi and I). To all of the people without driving license in the world, no driving license needed, if you don't break any law, or at least, if you don't get caught by the police.
Finally in the third semester, I urged Yudis to take me to driving license test, because he would return soon. I didn't know why we had a hard time to go to the Driving Test place, but we usually failed to kept our appointments. Finally, On Saturday we went to the driving license test, and have our (I and Ange) written test, but we couldn't take our road test, because it was already late. Again, we prolonged our appointments to take the road test, until Yudis left USA for Indonesia.
This situation was annoying for Ardi, because he was the only legal driver in our group. Of course, we (I and Ange) always abused this situation for our benefit, hahahahahha (except for several events like Indianapolis, damn).
Finally, with Ardi as our chaperone, we went for road test on Friday, 14th April 2006. It was a very clear morning, but when we were near to our schedule for the road test, the weather was cloudy and raining. Ange went before me, and she passed.
Well, I always feel anxiety whenever I took tests, all tests: this test was no exception. I have taken a lot of tests in my life, which were resulted in failures and successes. Therefore, I am expecting this feeling. When I'm expecting something, there is not much thrill in it. I suppose that is not a very good one, because I loose the excitement, but still I just can't help it. For this road test, I, of course, am feeling weary; well if I fail, I just have to try again until I succeed. This test was not a life-death decision. So, I read my favorite philosical book (Richard Rorty is my philosophical guru), chat with Ardi (He brought a novel with a Davinci Code-like theme), and tried to calm Ange (I envy her for all the anxiety , the excitement that she get when she took the road test. She couldn't even read the book that she brought to the road test, hahahhaha).
The woman, who tested me, was also testing Ange before. Well, the test was not that hard, you just have to be careful. I have to test all the function in my car. Then, I backed up from the parking lot, then started the road test. She told me to be careful (I think I didn't drive carefully at my first stop light). We're just driving, I didn't know where was the area, because I'm not familiar with the area. To cut a long story, it went smooth, except for one incident. I turned left at the red light, and I enter a one way street. So, according to the rules I have to take the left lane (It is a two lane street). After a while driving in the left, and I was thinking about something that I forget (maybe I look at the beautiful sky after the rain, or ngelamun**), I saw a car in front of me. The first thing that I said to myself, "ngentotbabianjingbangsatsialan*, I failed the test, because I'm driving in the left like what every decent country would do, except for some countries like USA, and there is a car in front of me." The road must turned to two way street sometime ago, or I misread the signed before I turned left. Suddenly the lady who tested me screamed, "What is the car doing in that side? She is crazy." The car in front of me drove by a woman. I was startled and I realized that I was not the one who was wrong, but the other car was. Again I said to my self, "ngentotbabianjingbangsatsialan*, why there was a person who was so stupid at my driving test day?" While my driving test went relatively smooth until I parked my car, during the time the lady who tested me keep talking about other cars mistakes, not only the car that drive in the wrong way, but also several cars after that. At the end she said that I passed, and I have to becareful when I drive. Yeahhh...
Maybe later I will put the picture of my driving license.
Thank You Ardi and Ange for the companion.
*the most common curse words in Indonesian language that I used for everyday life
**a state where I'm thinking, or not thinking, and I loose the senses to the surrounding. It is like I leave my physical body and wandering around without any consciousness of the environment in the surrounding of my physical body
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Polev/Pour Liver/Curhat
*Garing mode
The last couple of days have been burdensome for me. The largest contribution is from the works that I'm about to do in the immediate future. They are so sudden and overwhelming, that I have to reorganize my courses. Well, the courses are mostly fun, but hard. Anyhoo, I'm done with my decision about the courses now, as soon as I can drop my class(es), I'm good to go, leaving all the administration matters behind.
On the other hand, the works and my papers, will take a lot of my time. I have no-brainer works and brain-squeezing works, both are weighing down on me. I think that is the way for a graduate student in his third semester, hehehehehhe.
Now, Why I post this blog? I try to commit to write in the blog often, to show that I'm alive. But, when I put my self into my works, I just don't know what to write. Well, of course, I can write in this blog about the use of definite integral and line integral in the production side of the economics. It can show that the line integral, with its three theorems, can change back and forth to definite integral, so we can solve economics problem with more familiar method. Or maybe, the effect of distribution of goods to the distribution of utility on the consumers, and the gasoline spot prices modelling (these are from one courses). Well, Spatial panel data and Python programming for spatial econometrics are things that still dragging me, because programming process simply takes a lot of time, and my counterpart had left. Also, I can write about my plan to make paper about transportation networks and economics activities, which will required a lot of new learning about GIS and transportation related problems. Maybe, I can write about my dream to make spatial CGE model with network embedded in the model. In addition, Tax forecast model, business activity index and regional modelling will be my works in this school, with data entry as the no-brainer works. Last but not least, wrtting about the qualifying exam, I'm thinking about it for many hours.
*Garing mode
The last couple of days have been burdensome for me. The largest contribution is from the works that I'm about to do in the immediate future. They are so sudden and overwhelming, that I have to reorganize my courses. Well, the courses are mostly fun, but hard. Anyhoo, I'm done with my decision about the courses now, as soon as I can drop my class(es), I'm good to go, leaving all the administration matters behind.
On the other hand, the works and my papers, will take a lot of my time. I have no-brainer works and brain-squeezing works, both are weighing down on me. I think that is the way for a graduate student in his third semester, hehehehehhe.
Now, Why I post this blog? I try to commit to write in the blog often, to show that I'm alive. But, when I put my self into my works, I just don't know what to write. Well, of course, I can write in this blog about the use of definite integral and line integral in the production side of the economics. It can show that the line integral, with its three theorems, can change back and forth to definite integral, so we can solve economics problem with more familiar method. Or maybe, the effect of distribution of goods to the distribution of utility on the consumers, and the gasoline spot prices modelling (these are from one courses). Well, Spatial panel data and Python programming for spatial econometrics are things that still dragging me, because programming process simply takes a lot of time, and my counterpart had left. Also, I can write about my plan to make paper about transportation networks and economics activities, which will required a lot of new learning about GIS and transportation related problems. Maybe, I can write about my dream to make spatial CGE model with network embedded in the model. In addition, Tax forecast model, business activity index and regional modelling will be my works in this school, with data entry as the no-brainer works. Last but not least, wrtting about the qualifying exam, I'm thinking about it for many hours.
Roses are red, violets are blue
I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.
Spring's Foci (Continued)
-Tax Forecast (State)
-REIM Model
*Arrgggghhhh,what a long lists, I think I'm on the right tract to become an expert on regional economics.
Slartibartfast: Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, "Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy.
(from the Hitchiker Guide to the Galaxy)
-Tax Forecast (State)
-REIM Model
*Arrgggghhhh,what a long lists, I think I'm on the right tract to become an expert on regional economics.
Slartibartfast: Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, "Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy.
I'd much rather be happy than right any day.
(from the Hitchiker Guide to the Galaxy)
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Word in Life: Visit
*go to see and spend time with(someone) socially
-go to see and spend time in (a place) as a tourist
-stay temporarily with (someone) or at (a place) as a guest
-go to see (someone or something) for a specific purpose, such as to make an inspection or to receive or give professional advice or help. (OAD)*
Hhhmm, these pictures contained our friends, who visited us in the last couple of months. Since last December, our friends from outside the Champaign Urbana visited us, to see our small town, like the restaurant (Original House of Pancakes, Basil Restaurant, etc), coffee shops (Moonstruck, Cafe Kopi, Expresso Royale, Gionini or something, etc), our mall (Market Place, well, we have only one), etc. Also, they want to see our beloved University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, like the library, the old building, Student Union, the quad, my office, etc. But most important thing, they want to see us in this college town, Urbana-Champaign. Well, all of them stay at our places in E. Clark St.

Location: Zorbas at Jazz Night Thursday, it ended with Queen songs, yeahh baby yeah...
Lele: FEUI 98, Akun, Jakarta in one of the accounting firm
Renata: FEUI 95, SP, BOE, SMAK, PhD candidate in Georgia State University "Atlanta" Dept. Economics

Location: Basil Thai at Urbana, my favorite restaurant, the food was a little bit too spicy for Tezza, sorry sist, hehehe.
Teza: FEUI 95, SP, BOE, Recis, Graduate student in North Carolina State University "Raleigh" Dept. of Agriculture Economics.
Riatu: FEUI 95, SP, BOE, 8, PhD candidate in Georgia State University "Atlanta" Dept. Economics

Location: Siam Terrace, the Thai restaurant in Urbana-Champaign according to the other hosts.
Ape: FEUI 93, SP, BOE, PL, Graduate Student in Harvard University "Cambridge" Kennedy School of Public Policy and husband of Ijul.
Ijul: FEUI 94, Akun, BOE, Sanur, Temporary Administration Staff in in Harvard University "Cambridge" and wife of Ape.

*Location: at Champaign downtown, night strolling...
Teja: Idem
Riatu: Idem

*Location: Esquire, one of the best beer place in Champaign Urbana, because they serve peanuts, beer and peanuts heh, good combination.
Airin: FH-Unpar 96, Hukum, Tarbak, aka Chicago Beyatch, Art and Graphic Designer in Chicago
Bin: Hmmm, I don't know, here and there I supposed, manager at Penang China Town Chicago.

Location: at one of the landmark in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Renata: Idem
Lele: Idem
*Hosts (in alphabetical order): Ajeng, Ardi, Paksi and Yudis.
*Additional hosts: Pip, Lia and Albert.
It was our pleasure to welcome you all.
Thank You
*go to see and spend time with(someone) socially
-go to see and spend time in (a place) as a tourist
-stay temporarily with (someone) or at (a place) as a guest
-go to see (someone or something) for a specific purpose, such as to make an inspection or to receive or give professional advice or help. (OAD)*
Hhhmm, these pictures contained our friends, who visited us in the last couple of months. Since last December, our friends from outside the Champaign Urbana visited us, to see our small town, like the restaurant (Original House of Pancakes, Basil Restaurant, etc), coffee shops (Moonstruck, Cafe Kopi, Expresso Royale, Gionini or something, etc), our mall (Market Place, well, we have only one), etc. Also, they want to see our beloved University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, like the library, the old building, Student Union, the quad, my office, etc. But most important thing, they want to see us in this college town, Urbana-Champaign. Well, all of them stay at our places in E. Clark St.

Location: Zorbas at Jazz Night Thursday, it ended with Queen songs, yeahh baby yeah...
Lele: FEUI 98, Akun, Jakarta in one of the accounting firm
Renata: FEUI 95, SP, BOE, SMAK, PhD candidate in Georgia State University "Atlanta" Dept. Economics

Location: Basil Thai at Urbana, my favorite restaurant, the food was a little bit too spicy for Tezza, sorry sist, hehehe.
Teza: FEUI 95, SP, BOE, Recis, Graduate student in North Carolina State University "Raleigh" Dept. of Agriculture Economics.
Riatu: FEUI 95, SP, BOE, 8, PhD candidate in Georgia State University "Atlanta" Dept. Economics

Location: Siam Terrace, the Thai restaurant in Urbana-Champaign according to the other hosts.
Ape: FEUI 93, SP, BOE, PL, Graduate Student in Harvard University "Cambridge" Kennedy School of Public Policy and husband of Ijul.
Ijul: FEUI 94, Akun, BOE, Sanur, Temporary Administration Staff in in Harvard University "Cambridge" and wife of Ape.

*Location: at Champaign downtown, night strolling...
Teja: Idem
Riatu: Idem

*Location: Esquire, one of the best beer place in Champaign Urbana, because they serve peanuts, beer and peanuts heh, good combination.
Airin: FH-Unpar 96, Hukum, Tarbak, aka Chicago Beyatch, Art and Graphic Designer in Chicago
Bin: Hmmm, I don't know, here and there I supposed, manager at Penang China Town Chicago.

Location: at one of the landmark in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Renata: Idem
Lele: Idem
*Hosts (in alphabetical order): Ajeng, Ardi, Paksi and Yudis.
*Additional hosts: Pip, Lia and Albert.
It was our pleasure to welcome you all.
Thank You
Monday, April 03, 2006
Word in Life: Power Blackout
a failure of electrical power supply, OAD
After the tornado warning,around 6-7 pm, the electricity in my apartment was unstable, after a while my apartment was dark. I went outside to see the tornado, or whatever it was. It looks like a heavy rain, or thunder storm, in University of Indonesia at Depok. Well, it's always fun to watch a thunder storm, so I went out to my patio in the third floor, I lighted my Sampoerna, and I enjoyed the show of wind, lightning and rain.
After a while, the show was over, I went in and waited in the dark for a while, but my room is still dark. I turned my only candle that I just found in my pants, which dated back from last Christmas, huahahhahaha, maybe I have to wash that pants now. It was the usual thing for power blackout: no TV, no Internet, no fixed phone, no mobile phone and laptop charging, etc. There were only me, candle, mobile phones, and a dying laptop. I've got a call from Ardi, who stranded in one of the dark coffe shop. I made a call to Ange, who had her electricity. Then, again, I'm still in the dark. Well, like I said, nothing unusual, this power blackout in Champaign is not even in the same level with the several power failure in Jakarta, like the great power failure in Jakarta 4 or 5 years ago.
Finally, I went out for dinner at Basil Thai at Urbana with Ardi and Lia. When I was driving, I noticed the only area that had electricity blackout was my area, bollock. Anyhoo, we went for dinner in the well lighted restaurant. Then, I decided to watch movie V for Vendetta and go to grocery store. I went to Beverly Cinema, but there is no show for 10 pm movie. My friend suggested to go to Savoy Cinema, but I was 30 minutes late, so I decided to go to Savoy Walmart. I've got a call from my wife. The 24 hours supercentre was also closed for couple hours, because the power failure. I went back to Meier at Prospect, I have to tell you that this trip was not near by Champaign Urbana standard, and I don't know well the way to go around. I tried to waste my time at the Meier. But, when I reached my apartment, the areas was still dark. It was already after midnight, so I decided to go to my office to work a little, and to charge my gadgets. I stayed until 3 am at my office, when I reached my apartment, it was still dark, damn. So, I lighted my only candled, which was almost die, and try to sleep on it.
When, I woke up this morning, everything was back in normal.
*This was the song that I repeated in the car while I was driving, alone, with a Sampoerna between my fingers, enjoy...
a failure of electrical power supply, OAD
After the tornado warning,around 6-7 pm, the electricity in my apartment was unstable, after a while my apartment was dark. I went outside to see the tornado, or whatever it was. It looks like a heavy rain, or thunder storm, in University of Indonesia at Depok. Well, it's always fun to watch a thunder storm, so I went out to my patio in the third floor, I lighted my Sampoerna, and I enjoyed the show of wind, lightning and rain.
After a while, the show was over, I went in and waited in the dark for a while, but my room is still dark. I turned my only candle that I just found in my pants, which dated back from last Christmas, huahahhahaha, maybe I have to wash that pants now. It was the usual thing for power blackout: no TV, no Internet, no fixed phone, no mobile phone and laptop charging, etc. There were only me, candle, mobile phones, and a dying laptop. I've got a call from Ardi, who stranded in one of the dark coffe shop. I made a call to Ange, who had her electricity. Then, again, I'm still in the dark. Well, like I said, nothing unusual, this power blackout in Champaign is not even in the same level with the several power failure in Jakarta, like the great power failure in Jakarta 4 or 5 years ago.
Finally, I went out for dinner at Basil Thai at Urbana with Ardi and Lia. When I was driving, I noticed the only area that had electricity blackout was my area, bollock. Anyhoo, we went for dinner in the well lighted restaurant. Then, I decided to watch movie V for Vendetta and go to grocery store. I went to Beverly Cinema, but there is no show for 10 pm movie. My friend suggested to go to Savoy Cinema, but I was 30 minutes late, so I decided to go to Savoy Walmart. I've got a call from my wife. The 24 hours supercentre was also closed for couple hours, because the power failure. I went back to Meier at Prospect, I have to tell you that this trip was not near by Champaign Urbana standard, and I don't know well the way to go around. I tried to waste my time at the Meier. But, when I reached my apartment, the areas was still dark. It was already after midnight, so I decided to go to my office to work a little, and to charge my gadgets. I stayed until 3 am at my office, when I reached my apartment, it was still dark, damn. So, I lighted my only candled, which was almost die, and try to sleep on it.
When, I woke up this morning, everything was back in normal.
*This was the song that I repeated in the car while I was driving, alone, with a Sampoerna between my fingers, enjoy...
Here I Go Again by Whitesnake
I don’t know where I’m going
But, I sure know where I’ve been
Hanging on the promises
In songs of yesterday
An’ I’ve made up my mind,
I ain’t wasting no more time
But, here I go again
Here I go again
Tho’ I keep searching for an answer,
I never seem to find what I’m looking for
Oh lord, I pray
You give me strength to carry on,
’cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams
An’ here I go again on my own
Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known,
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
An’ I’ve made up my mind
I ain’t wasting no more time
I’m just another heart in need of rescue,
Waiting on love’s sweet charity
An’ I’m gonna hold on
For the rest of my days,
’cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams
An’ here I go again on my own
Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known,
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
An’ I’ve made up my mind
I ain’t wasting no more time
But, here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go...
An’ I’ve made up my mind,
I ain’t wasting no more time
An’ here I go again on my own
Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known,
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
’cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams
An’ here I go again on my own
Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known,
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
An’ I’ve made up my mind
I ain’t wasting no more time...
But, here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go,
Here I go again...
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Wisuda Beby
Disekitar tahun 1997, bulan Agustus kalo nggak salah, Beby melaksanakan upacara wisudanya. Situasinya pada saat itu adalah gue lagi masa penyembuhan dari sakit kuning gue, dimana mestinya gue istirahat total di tempat tidur, biar masih bisa hidup panjang katanya. Gue saat itu rupanya udah kayak jerangkong, jelek deh. Tapi karena ada yang wisuda, Beby, gue lawanlah perintah dokter, gue kabur dari tempat tidur, setelah gue pikir2 yah paling2 gue mati. Sebagai keterangan, perintah dokter yang gue lawan itu adalah perintah ibu gue, yang juga dokter, heheheheh.
Alhasil, gue dateng ke wisuda, seperti biasa gue main orkes Mahawaditra UI untuk mengiringi lagu-lagu wisuda, gue main klarinet. Terus setelah itu gue ke fakultas untuk mengikuti wisuda fakultas, sebenernya untuk ketemu ama Beby. Setelah itu gue pulang untuk tepar berhari2, karena sebelumnya udah istirahat nggak keluar rumah selama hampir dua bulan, nggak kena udara dan matahari luar. Pokoknya, hari itu adalah salah satu hari terindah dalam hidup gue.

*Beby dengan Gaun Wisudanya

*Beby dengan Kebayanya
Disekitar tahun 1997, bulan Agustus kalo nggak salah, Beby melaksanakan upacara wisudanya. Situasinya pada saat itu adalah gue lagi masa penyembuhan dari sakit kuning gue, dimana mestinya gue istirahat total di tempat tidur, biar masih bisa hidup panjang katanya. Gue saat itu rupanya udah kayak jerangkong, jelek deh. Tapi karena ada yang wisuda, Beby, gue lawanlah perintah dokter, gue kabur dari tempat tidur, setelah gue pikir2 yah paling2 gue mati. Sebagai keterangan, perintah dokter yang gue lawan itu adalah perintah ibu gue, yang juga dokter, heheheheh.
Alhasil, gue dateng ke wisuda, seperti biasa gue main orkes Mahawaditra UI untuk mengiringi lagu-lagu wisuda, gue main klarinet. Terus setelah itu gue ke fakultas untuk mengikuti wisuda fakultas, sebenernya untuk ketemu ama Beby. Setelah itu gue pulang untuk tepar berhari2, karena sebelumnya udah istirahat nggak keluar rumah selama hampir dua bulan, nggak kena udara dan matahari luar. Pokoknya, hari itu adalah salah satu hari terindah dalam hidup gue.
Saya persembahkan, Si Sarjana (Mahasiswa Tahun V) dan Si Mahasiswa (Mahasiswa II)

*Beby dengan Gaun Wisudanya

*Beby dengan Kebayanya
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