Thursday, December 07, 2006

On The Sunny Side of the Street: Lintang/'Tang

Adek cewek gue yang paling cantik (gue cuman punya dua adek, satu cewek dan satu cowok sih, hehehhehe) baru ajah menjalani ujian thesisnya, dan lulus dengan perbaikan kecil (nggak penting deh, heheheh).


Sampe ketemu lagi di Indonesia...

*Wawancara ketika Lintang baru memulai studi masternya.

Student profile: Lintang
Course: Master of Engineering Science (Engineering Management)

Country: Indonesia

Previous school/university: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology

Why did you choose to study Engineering Management at the University of Melbourne?

After finishing my undergraduate degree I worked in the plastics industry for 2.5 years. I was initially employed in the maintenance department and then moved to product development. I realised very soon that management skills in this industry (and I'm sure in all industries) are essential in achieving outcomes. Engineering Management is a course which I know will help develop these skills and lead to good career outcomes.

What is the best thing about your course?

What I really enjoy is becoming aware of the research that is currently being done in the Engineering Management field. When you are working full time you are very much absorbed in your immediate day-to-day work issues. When you study you gain knowledge about a much broader range of issues through reading journal papers and hearing about the experiences of other engineers who are working as managers.

I have really enjoyed the guest lectures which have mainly been given by people from industry. They give you real life examples of management problems and issues. It is also very interesting learning about areas which I am not as familiar with such as sustainability, marketing and consulting.

How will your course help your future study plans or career?

In large organisations you deal with many people, both internally and externally - having management skills will greatly improve my ability to do this. I know I will also feel more confident in a managerial position having the theoretical knowledge to back my decisions

What do you enjoy most about your Australian life?

I love living in Melbourne - especially being able to walk around in a safe and clean city. I've also enjoyed meeting new friends in Melbourne. Really, it makes my life here in Melbourne great for both studying and fun.

What activities/clubs have you participated in since your arrival?

I have participated in 'Group Fitness' classes at the Sports Centre. These are classes such as Body Pump, Thai Box and Body Balance. Body Balance is my favourite as it is a mixture of Thi Chi, Pilates and Yoga which really helps you relax.

I have also recently been elected to the University of Melbourne Postgraduate Association (UMPA). This groups reviews the University's policies on postgraduate students. At the moment it has just been meetings but I hope that it will give me an opportunity to contribute.

What advice do you have for other students from your country coming to study in Australia?

Study hard, work hard and play hard!

*Adek cowok yang paling ganteng dan adek cewek yang paling cantik

*Heh, adek cowok gue satu2nya, gimana ceritanya nih... Hehehhehe


hanyaaku said...

selamat buat adeknya Paksi..

Anonymous said...

Adik iparku yang cantik sudah master ....

Adik iparku yang ganteng ...
Bagaimana kabar skripsinya?
Hmmmmm ....Kalo dinyanyiin, kurang lebih begini syairnya ...

"Jatuh bangun aku ... mendorongnya ...."
*terinspirasi lagu dangdut*

Dari kakak ipar yang sayang ama adik2nya baik yang sudah lulus maupun yang sedang dalam proses mo lulus,
