Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Champaign-Chicago Movers

I always like Chicago, I think because it's close to Champaign. I always eager go to Chicago, just to feel briefly the air of a metropolis. Densely populated and crowded cities is one of my addiction.

*The One Who Moves-Have a nice time in Chicago sist'

Right after the Spring 2006 semester, people started to get restless. Some people were ready to move to their new work/intern places , other were preparing for the summer holiday, many of them went back to their home country, some of them were going to other places, few of the students are taking summer classes, and a very few of them like me just don't know what to do, huehehehhe. Anyhow, the last group were feeling standing stil. I think because of the others are moving, so I am relatively standing still. For your information, the last summer I went back to my country to meet my wife, not so lucky this summer eh.

*Hmmm, well you get the picture

Anyhow, we have to help our friends whose doing their activities. Most of the activities are movers activities, from packaging to delivery. Well, let's skip the details, and move to more interesting story. Well, first, I have to tell you one uninteresting sorry. I help Lia to move from Champaign to Chicago. We went with Driya, and Lia, Etta couldn't join us. Actually, Lia begged me at the last days. Although Etta already told me that Lia want to move at that certain day long before, but Lia never asked me, or even mentioned to me about needing any help from me. Maybe, somebody else already voluntered for that job. I never volunteered for moving things around too far. All of suddent, Lia asked me for help, of course, we can contemplate about this sudden change, but for now I will leave it hang (let's just say that many people are interested to Lia, huahahahaha). I think it was a man-woman relationship kind of things (ah young people they are soo, well, young). First, I was reluctant to help her, because I don't want to drive alone from or to Chicago, luckily (for Lia) Driya want to accompany me.

*At Midway: me, lia, driya and Diana (The One Who Has Summer Class in Boston, Have a nice time sist')

There are two task that we have to do. First we have to drop Diana at Midway, because she has summer school at HBS (cool huh, I hope I'm not wrong about her summer school place, hehheehe, I'm really forgetful these days). Then, we take all the boxes and others to Lia's new apartment. We started unpacking, nobody there to help except Driya and Lia. When I opened the door with one box in my hand, the first thing that I encountered was stairs (what the fuck?). I have to inform you I hate stairs, very annoying thing, stairs. Hate. I'm using the word "hate" here, about stairs. Hate ( I know it is so "As Good As It Gets", hhehheheh, it's one of my favorite movie). Anyhow, I tried to be calm, I look back to Lia, whom without any particular reason look a little bit apologetic, and I asked which floor is her place. The first word that came out from her mouth was "shit" (What!!! that was not the answer to my question). Well, I'm no clairvoyance, but at that time I started to say my "standard" swear words (you have to notice that I'm more politically correct now, because I reduce my "super" swear words usage).

*The Gals at Japonnais: Airin, Lia and Driya

Of course, I'm right, her place is in the top floor, on the third floor. The stairs are narrow (damn, okey enough swear words paksi), especially if you moving with big boxes and suitcases. Did I mention that the movers are only three person? Yeah I think so. Well, you have to know that Lia is a person that always uncomfortable with asking helping people or friends to help her. She got her reason for "nggak enakan", but for this she should feel bad about withhelding crucial information (hello Lia, if you read this and you still fell bad, that's good, you should, huehhehehe). If I know that information I would asked some of my friends at Chicago for help, or I just refused to help, hueheheh. (she had stayed at that place before, just to give the background that she's familiar with that place). Anyhow, I had to use my strenght more than I calculated before, and we finish our job, I know I shouldn't be bitching when helping others (I rarely do really), but third floor!!! C'mon that is an important information.

*Tired Movers's Faces, except the one who smiles, hueheheheheh

Then, we went to meet Airin at her house, and we went around the city, especially the place for Indonesian goods. We ate at Vietnam restaurant, Lia want to pay for the food (I'm sorry Li, it's not enough, huehehehehe, really). We ended up at Japonnais (I had to wear my sandals here, fucking pretentious place). We ate Sushi and drink some long drink. We got one free sushi plate, because some mishap on the register or something, which made we have to wait almost an hour for the sushi (I should throw the manager with my sandals, hueheheh). We were doing some chit chat, because that was the first time Airin and Driya & Lia met. We had one show, which made these two young gals curious or amaze, it was the show of Airin knotted cherry branch with her mouth, huehehehehe. Finally, we had to go back to Champaign, because somebody had to have dinner in Champaign (This is also good story, huahahahahha). So, we went back, and drop Driya at her places, because she had to have dinner with her friend (singular, singular third person), and I have to do one of my routine after Champaign Beyatches left, that is eating dinner alone...


Anonymous said...

Yiiiippppppiiiii ... akhirnya nambah juga blognya ...


Tenang sayang ...
Ada masanya kamu makan malam ku temenin ... terutama kalo lagi sama2 ...

Ada masanya "tetep!" makan malam sendirian walaupun di Jakarta ... tau dong kapan ... apalagi kalo bukan saat2 istrinya lagi kerja rodi ...

Huehehehehhe ...
Maap yah sayang ... nggak bisa meringankan penderitaan pegel2 ... (untung ada koyo!) en nggak bisa nemenin makan malam ....


Anonymous said...

Beb...rada2 aneh ngedenger (eh ngebaca) lo dengan manisnya pake kata "sayang". Dalam otak gua lo masih tibum gua :D hahahaha..

(gila tuh OPT..cuci otak abis..)

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gents,
as like the great Mr. Pxzy told us in his brief blog (as he has taught me long ago..) "don't reject any woman come with a favor to ask.."
as I know what'd happened next, and it wouldn't be appropriate to spill out in this tiny comment box.. hehehe.. kagaaak diing.. kagaak tauuu.. gak tau pa paan kok guee...


Anonymous said...

*tatapan bersalah*

Anonymous said...

untuk 'za:
huehehehehe ...
saya sayang lagi ama semuanya ...
termasuk para mahasiswa/i yang pernah saya 'tertibkan' selama OPT

untuk doc:
seandainya ada kejuaraan dunia untuk penampung curhat wanita ... huehehehehe ... saya tahu siapa yang akan menjadi juara bertahan ... huehehehe ...
